
BREAK OUT! - 東方神起




  • 見つめるみつめる - to stare
  • 夜明け - よあけ– dawn
  • 確かめるたしかめる - to check, make sure
  • 照らす照らす - to lighten, illuminate
  • 陽 - よう - positive (charge)
  • 昇る - のぼる - to go up
  • 繰り返し - くりかえし - repetition
  • 鍵 - かぎ - key
  • 掴み取る - つかみとる - to seize
  • 運命 - うんめい - fate
  • 次第 - しだい - depends on, hinges on
  • 駆け抜ける - かけぬける - to run through
  • 欠ける - かける - to wane (the moon)
  • 埋める - うずめる - to bury, fill
  • 輝く - かがやく - glow, shine
  • 足跡 - あしあと - footprint
  • 叶う - かなう - to come true
  • 祈り - いのり - prayer

(日本語)BREAK OUT!   東方神起

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

見つめてる夜は今 夜明け前の遠い空
確かめるように照らし出すよ あの道のりとその先を
陽は昇り繰り返し 終わりのない涙は無い
いつかはそう思えるから 生きるよ

Break out!
Break out!
明日へのドア 開く鍵はきっと君の手の中
Break out! Break out!
掴み取れ未来 運命なんてきっと make yourself

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

駆け抜ける この日々が空の向こうに流れても
笑った君を思い出せば いつだって時は戻るから
欠けた月の形を 埋めるように人は出会い

Break out!
Break out!
Break out! Break out!
君だけにしか 出来ないことがある believe yourself

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

祈り続けるから いつの日も

Break out! Break out!
Break out! Break out!
君にだけしか 出来ないことがある believe yourself

Break out! Break out!
明日へのドア 開く鍵はきっと君の手の中
Break out! Break out!
掴み取れ未来 運命なんてきっと make yourself

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally


I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

I’m staring at the far night sky, just before dawn
I illuminate it as if to check that distance and beyond it
The sun rises in repetition, without an end there are no tears
Because at some time I will think that, I live

Break out!
Break out!
For the door to tomorrow, the unlocking key is surely in your hand
Break out! Break out!
Seize the future, and certainly things like fate make yourself
It all depends on you

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

I run through, even though these days flow beyond the sky
If I remember you smiled, it’s because the time returns

Fill in the form of the waning moon just like meeting someone new
Our one heart is put together and glows

Break out!
Break out!
I’m sure these tears are not sadness, but the footprints of a dream
Break out! Break out!
There are things only you can do believe yourself
Believe it

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

It’s like this request is coming true
I continue to pray because, when that day comes,


Break out! Break out!
I’m sure these tears are not sadness, but the footprints of a dream
Break out! Break out!
There is only you, there is something I can’t do believe yourself
Believe it

Break out! Break out!
For the door to tomorrow, the unlocking key is surely in your hand
Break out! Break out!
Seize the future, and certainly things like fate make yourself
It all depends on you

I keep praying, Don't forget it

Baby, we keep the faith eternally

1 件のコメント:

  1. このグループは人気がありますよね? 私は去年の紅白歌合戦で見ました。翻訳するのはどうでしたか?
